Sunday 25 January 2015

task 2 conpresition

Contract Prints

In this contact print I used natural and artificial lighting, I explored both inside and outside, using a vary of different angles. If I was to do this shoot and exploring different angles again, I'd take more outside pictures and explore more angles, trying to get a lot more better pictures, as I don't practically like the indoor pictures and I only like picture DSCF7329, that's on the top line and in the middle, I took that picture from worms view angle and I personally think that's the best picture I had taken on the exploring angles task because you can see what the cameras main focus is on and I like how it's captured the picture, where it's focused on the floor the background is out of focus and a bit blurry, I personally think it gives the picture a good effect. 

I like these pictures in this contract print because I think the contrast works really well and on some the main focus is brighter then the other places on the picture and I think it works well with how bright parts of the pictures are because it draws your eyes into the pictures even more.

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